
Do I need a robots.txt file? Implementing your robots.txt file is a good example of where a little knowledge can be dangerous.... Domain Names and what name is right for me? It can be daunting if you are looking for a domain name for the first time. There seems to be an... Fraudulent Email Renewals Just a quick warning about domain name renewals. Your domain name is on the public record. These... How do I get good search engine results? 1. Compose interesting content This is twofold. Google likes it because people like it. Search... Landing Page – Lead Capture – Lander – Squeeze Pages So, what is a landing page, and why are they important? For me, there is only one main and... Malware? MALWARE Malware is malicious code designed to cause damage to an organization or person. Malware... Protecting your web content Someone asked me how to protect web content from being stolen, plagiarised, reprinted, or... SEO - What is Latent Semantic Indexing? OK, so you heard the bell ringing but you are not sure where the clock tower is. You may ask... SPAM – what is spam – how do I recognise and deal with it? Damn annoying; that’s what SPAM is! We are not talking here about the dubious but inventive meat... Top 5 reasons why online business fails Ask yourself these questions: Is my website generating leads? Is my website reinforcing my... What is Responsive Web Design? Responsive Web Design If you had your website developed 8 years or so ago, the chances are that... What the hack? Okay, so you receive a call from one of your clients… The news is all bad because what you are...
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