Dedicated Servers

Pro Dedicated Server

Intel Quadcore Q9650 processor
3.0 GHz,1333MHz FSB 12MB cache
2 x 500GB SATA II drives
1 TB Monthly Transfers
Fully Managed 24/7/365
Our support is amazingly fast and competent and this is what sets us apart from other hosting companies. EZiHosting will monitor your server and guarantee up-time of 99.9% so you can concentrate on what matters to you, running your business smoothly. We respond to any problems quickly 24/7 via a phone call or email and in most cases, we can resolve issues within 10 minutes.

Starting from
$99.00 Setup Fee
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Premier Dedicated Server

Intel Quadcore Q9650 processor
3.0 GHz,1333MHz FSB 12MB cache
450GB 15,000 RPM SAS 2.0 primary hard drive and
500GB 7500 RPM SATA 2.0 backup drive
2 TB Monthly Transfers
Fully Managed 24/7/365
This choice is better for high-traffic sites and clients that may need that added security and scalability of their website needs and those who may have multiple domain names and brands. You are not subject to a shared server's vulnerability due to various domains not patching software and you can run customised configurations. Prices include full server management by our qualified staff with 24/7 tech support leaving you free to manage your business.

Starting from
$99.00 Setup Fee
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