Domain Name Addons
When you buy or sell your business you may also want to change ownership of the associated domain name. This service will transfer ownership of the domain to a new owner. Note - you MUST have access to the domain's "admin" email!
An IP address is a unique address that identifies a device on the Internet or a local network. IP stands for "Internet Protocol," which is the set of rules governing data sent via the Internet or local network which will assist in SEO and security.
Proper DNS management and security are critical in keeping your website, email, and online applications up and running. Premium DNS makes it easy to manage and secure your DNS so your website is always available and performing reliably and safely.
Your domain name information is public information. This includes your name and contact details. This information is picked up by foreign companies which will relentlessly contact you to sell you web hosting or Search Engine Optimisation services.
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